People Effectiveness
Build Better Work Habits: Time Management
A simple glance at the desks of various workers reveals different organisational and time management practices that individuals have adapted to their personality. Personality preferences have an impact on how individuals successfully manage their time. Different approaches to time management are equally effective and neither approach is better than the other.
In this time management training course, you will learn how to increase your personal effectiveness by using management techniques that fit your personality. You will apply time-saving techniques, learn ways to overcome procrastination and find out a variety of methods to living a balanced life.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the relationship between time-management style and personality preferences
- Assess your time-management style
- Outline traditional time-management steps
- Recognize the causes of procrastination
- Apply time-saving techniques
- Determine when tasks can be automated
- Utilise the priority matrix
- Identify the priorities and boundaries of your job
Anyone that needs to increase their personal effectiveness through time management
2 days
Presentation Skills
Speaking in front of others can be a confusing and even terrifying experience for many people. So how can you successfully train your participants, even those with no prior experience, to effectively prepare and deliver presentations?
Key topics are:
- Influences on the relevant literature on presentation skills
- 6 questions of the presentation skills model
- Preparing and delivering presentation
- Skills Practice
- Sales Presentations
- Motivational Speeches
- Coaching and Training sessions
- Information Briefings
- Entertainment
- Skills Practice
Learning Outcomes
- Identify and set presentation objectives
- Discover how to analyse and involve the audience
- Learn how to design and display effective visual aids
- Practice staging presentations
Anyone who is called upon to prepare and deliver presentations.
1 day
Train the Trainer
People who work as trainers are often put into difficult situations without much understanding of what training is or how to do it well. We know that being a good trainer is the result of developing skills to bring information to an audience. This information will then engage, empower, and encourage continued learning and development. This three-day course will give you the skills that you need so that your students not only learn, but also enjoy the process, retain information shared, and use their new skills back in the workplace. The course covers the following aspects:
- Defining a successful training program/trainer
- Adult learning and the learning process
- Principles of adult learning
- Style assessment, including introvert/extrovert analysis
- Applying the learning cycle
- The training process (planning training, choosing methods, designing learning sequences)
- Adding games
- Setting the climate
- Presentation skills
- Dealing with difficult trainees
- On-the-job training
- Evaluation techniques
- Mock training presentations for peer review
Learning Outcomes
- Recognize the importance of considering the participants and their training needs, including the different learning styles and adult learning principles.
- Know how to write objectives and evaluate whether these objectives have been met at the end of a training session.
- Develop an effective training style, using appropriate training aids and techniques.
- Conduct a short group training session that incorporates these training concepts.
Team Leaders/Managers/Employees/Supervisors
3 day
Brainstorming Techniques
This training course, ‘Brainstorming Techniques’ covers the basics of brainstorming and then goes on to look at a number of different yet highly effective techniques that can be employed.
Brainstorming is probably the most well known and most widely used method for bringing groups of people together to generate ideas about an issue or problem. This is because it is a good way to gather a lot of ideas very quickly. It is also a great way of bringing people together and helping to build them as a team. Just imagine the effect on the team and its morale if ideas that they generate are actually used. There is no doubt that people are more likely to buy-in to the ideas that they came up with themselves.
Although brainstorming is widely used for decision making, it is not always handled very well. If that is the case it can have the opposite effect to the one that is intended. Rather than creating ideas it can stifle them and rather than motivating people it demotivates them.
This highly interactive course will help learners to make the most of brainstorming sessions and also provides alternative techniques to enliven any session that is beginning to flag.
Learning Outcomes
- Facilitate or take part in brainstorming sessions in an effective way by following some simple guidelines
- Build on the ideas of other participants whilst not critiquing these prematurely
- Identify and use different brainstorming techniques that will have an effective approach for almost any situation.
Anyone who facilitates or takes part in brainstorming sessions and can be used by organisational teams to develop their problem-solving abilities.
1 day
Interview Skills
This interview skills training course will help participants to develop their selection interviewing techniques by making use of our effective PRICE structure and Question Plan. They will also develop many of the skills and techniques that will help them to use the structure effectively.
The selection of new employees can be a long drawn out and expensive process. This means that we must do everything we can to ensure that when we do make a decision, we choose the right person. Having gone through all the trouble of working through a selection process there is nothing worse than taking on a new employee who turns out to be unsuitable.
A robust selection process will minimise the risk of this happening and, of course, effective interviewing needs to be part of that. If you handle selection interviewing in a logical, structured and professional way the risk of choosing the wrong person is much smaller.
This interview skills training course concentrates on competency based interviewing skills. This is sometimes described as behavioural, situational or job-related interviewing.
Learning Outcomes
- Take a logical approach to selection interviewing using the PRICE structure and Question Plan
- Prepare effectively for selection interviews
- Build and maintain appropriate rapport with candidates
- Conduct selection interviews effectively and professionally
- Manage the expectations of candidates when closing selection interviews
- Evaluate the interview to help select the best possible candidate.
Anyone involved in the selection interviews.
2 days